301 E. Bethany Home Rd, Ste. A-132
Phoenix, Az 85012
Bone Grafting in Dentistry
Bone graft helps to reinforce the dental bone that’s responsible for stabilizing your teeth. Since bone loss is a natural problem anytime a tooth is removed, or an infection is present that eats away at the bone, bone graft helps counteract the natural resorption that happens in your jaw once a tooth is lost. By stabilizing your bone anatomy, you can preserve both your facial profile (to help prevent premature aging) and your overall oral function.
Bone grafting is where the jawbone is built up to counter the loss of bone due to natural resorption, tooth extraction, and or bone loss due to infection.
Bone graft is necessary to help provide a structural foundation for a dental implant. Dental implants trigger a process called “osseointegration,” which causes the surrounding dental bone to grow and fuse onto the surface of the dental implant. But if there is too much alveolar bone loss, which can happen if you’ve gone a long time after a tooth extraction, the remaining healthy bone tissue will not be strong enough to anchor the dental implant. Bone graft placement is best performed at the time of tooth extraction, to reduce natural resorption, trauma to the site, healing time, and cost.